Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I don't even know how I come up with titles for my posts anymore. That one came from Anchorman I think. Anyway, I've been back to Des Moines for almost 2 days now. It's been glorious, not gonna lie. I've been hanging out with Kristen, being lazy, and doing laundry. I will probably be going to Minneapolis tomorrow in the afternoon, but there is suppose to be snow tomorrow night, so I'm hoping to make it out of here before then. 4.5 inches. Really? Haven't we had enough? Goodness.

I'm just about ready to go back to school I think. I bought my books today. Yikes. Though I will have to say that the University Bookstore has one more check on their list of reasons why I hate them. Today it was something that was rather simple, but they made quite complicated. First of all, after picking out my books that were way too expensive to begin with, Kristen and I went upstairs to pay for them. She got a Gatorade since she was thirsty, and when they rang it up, it didn't register in the computer. So the girl turned to the woman at the next register and told her to go get a manager. After she disappeared downstairs for a while, she came back up with the manager, and the both fooled around on the computer. The manager left, and the girl tried to re-ring up the Gatorade. No luck. again. So for the second time, she disappeared downstairs. At that point, Kristen and I decide that waiting another 10 minutes for a Gatorade was not worth it. We ask the woman the next register over to please just check us out sans the Gatorade, and she did, but not until having to re-do Kristen's entire transaction. So, that was annoying, to say the least.

I did nothing the rest of the afternoon. Kristen and I watched YouTube videos, she went to go babysit, I went to visit Katie, and then took a nap. It's the life of break. I love it. I was suppose to practice today, but I didn't. :-( I'll go over music tonight. I promise.

Photos!!!! Finally!!!

Steve in his sassy chorus outfit:

Our wig caps...apparently Lady Vamp is a huge brand of wig caps:

Penguins! Edible ones too:

The Tron-like backdrop....just one of many:

The glass at the Red Frog, one of the Young Artists fav hangouts in Cedar Rapids:

Our crazy first lady, all decked out:

Ok, so maybe Phil and I found this at a gas station we had to stop at and get directions back to Hanscher Auditorium:

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