Have I done anything significant since Tuesday? Um....probably not. HA! What do you want from me?! It's break....and I already did 3 weeks in Cedar Rapids doing two shows. Yeesh. You people are slave drivers! ;-)
Let's see....what is in my near future? More lazyness....the weekend is coming up, so there should be some entertainment going on. I might go see Valley at Showzam in Johnston on Saturday, but that is iffy. I also might go see the Drake game Saturday night. That could be fun. And more people will be back! YAY!
Alright....picture time!!!!
Our general set...David the director and a kid from the chorus Charlie is onstage:
The peons sitting in the audience....from left to right....Steve, Kelly, Adam, and Andy:
One of our projected, Tron-like backdrops:
Spirits in the forest-backdrop scene....Papageno should be appearing soon:
I found this on one of the blogs I read regularly....seriously. A Hello Kitty M-16? Great, now all those 6-year old right-wing militia members can be more at ease firing off a few rounds into a liberal crazy.....j/k......kinda.

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