Thursday, January 17, 2008

blissfully I await....

I was suppose to go to Minneapolis Wed-Sun, but I decided against it because of the weather, etc. And I'm enjoying Des Moines by myself with Kristen, and sometimes Kelly quite swimmingly. I am working on music for the opera scenes, my recital, and my recording next week. As Leanne said, "it always seems like it's feast or famine!" And how true it is, though it seems that it's always feast for me...HA!

Have I done anything significant since Tuesday? Um....probably not. HA! What do you want from me?! It's break....and I already did 3 weeks in Cedar Rapids doing two shows. Yeesh. You people are slave drivers! ;-)

Let's see....what is in my near future? More lazyness....the weekend is coming up, so there should be some entertainment going on. I might go see Valley at Showzam in Johnston on Saturday, but that is iffy. I also might go see the Drake game Saturday night. That could be fun. And more people will be back! YAY!

Alright....picture time!!!!

Our general set...David the director and a kid from the chorus Charlie is onstage:

The peons sitting in the audience....from left to right....Steve, Kelly, Adam, and Andy:

One of our projected, Tron-like backdrops:

Spirits in the forest-backdrop scene....Papageno should be appearing soon:

I found this on one of the blogs I read regularly....seriously. A Hello Kitty M-16? Great, now all those 6-year old right-wing militia members can be more at ease firing off a few rounds into a liberal crazy.....j/k......kinda.

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