Sunday, December 9, 2007


Lazy Sunday has rolled around again. And yet again, I'm faced with another week of school. At least this one is the last one before Finals, and next semester is a cake-walk. yay!

This weekend was not too bad. I had a gig on Friday at the Rollins Mansion. It was sweet-ness. Then work on Friday and Saturday. Friday at work was intense, but well-worth the moola. Saturday, Kelly and I had a party in the mezzanine and it was not so amazing. But what can ya do?

Saturday afternoon, I went up to Ames to see Katie in a Christmas musical at her church. It was one of the best productions I've seen in a long time. The set was so professional, the costumes and music were fantastic. I was so proud of her. And I never get to see Katie sing very much, just here and there around the office, but in this show she had a whole song and I was so genuinely impressed (not like she was underwhelming before, but ya know). I know she was glad to have Christian (Christine) and I come see the show.

The Omaha Westroads shooting also happened last week. That was such a surreal experience for me because that is a mall that I go to all the time. And the shooter lived in the same city that I'm from! Weird. My condolences go out to everyone that had to go through that. Not all us Omaha-ites are crazy.

Place of the Post: Dublins. The newest, greatest bar in the Drake Neighborhood. After replacing Hairy Mary's, they gutted everything, and turned this into an attractive college hangout. Though don't expect any miracles, this is still your typical college bar: loud, smoky, and crowded. It's just bigger, and has nicer decor.

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