Tuesday, December 4, 2007

go go gadget clones!

As predicted, the end of the semester is spinning out of control...and I just got asked to do another production on top of the one I'm already doing. I don't think so. I was so stressed out just thinking about it this afternoon. There is no way I would have time for it.

Anyway, funny story. So before Music Theory on Tuesdays/Thursday, we've discovered there is a little couple that like to canoodle in front of FAC, much to the delight and amusement of everyone in my Music Theory class because we can see them from the 2nd floor. And we hadn't seen them for a while, but today they were back again, and this time he grabbed her butt while they were kissing! How BRAZEN! Oh wow, I don't blush very easily, but I think I did today. Anyway, maybe you had to be there, but it was extremely funny to all of us there.

"Forecast for the week is crazy." -Lynell (love that quote)

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