Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ice block

Let's recount the events of this morning, shall we....So last night, I wasn't feeling so hot, and the thought of having a snow day was making me like a small child awaiting Christmas. So the decision was made to go to sleep early and wake up early the next morning to assess this potentially bad weather we were suppose to have. So 6am rolls around (not early for some of you readers, but for a senior in college, practically the middle of the night), and I crawl out of bed, not a bit tired. I pour myself into my chair and log onto a local news site to see Drake has not cancelled a damn thing. wtf. So this is exactly how it came out in my head, "Ok Drake...I'll give you one more hour to remedy this situation." And alas, I crawled back into my still warm bed to awake 55 minutes later and reassess the situation.

Again, nothing. That was pretty much the equivalent of receiving a big fat lump of cole in my stocking. SO, my rationale proceeded to think that I was going to have class at 9:30, and I went to bed early, so I might as well get some work done before class. So typing away I start, when 15 minutes late, Drake decided that it was finally going to at least delay starting until 10am. UM....excuse me? They got me out of going to 1 of my 5 classes today? So I now have white, sport socks in my stocking. great. Well, my next class is at 11, so again my rationale told me I should just continue typing away until a further time.

I get floods of calls from friends telling me of their sob stories of not having internet or electricity for that matter. Well, I told them they could all come to my apartment, ala The Eric Carlson Shelter if they wanted to, but otherwise, I couldn't do much. Kelly called around 9 and said that Drake was completely closed. I told her she was full of it and that it was a mean joke. None of my sources, internet, unofficial or otherwise, backed up the claim that the University had completely cancelled classes. I decided it was time to call the Drake Cancellation line, and sure enough, the University was officially closed. score. iPhone under the tree after all.

So that was my eventful morning, only to be followed by a VERY uneventful (and only marginally productive) afternoon. Oh well. That's what snow days are for, right? Off to have a NyQuil and count sheep.

Place of the Post: any place you can sled. It should be decent if you can get a nice sheet of ice underneath. Just my own experience as a small child.

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