Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Dearest Readers-

Since last we spoke, or I spoke to you, I finished Madama Butterfly with Cedar Rapids Opera. Great show!! Watch it for yourself on IPTV in Iowa on Thursday, January 29th at 7pm! So good.

In other news, I'm finally finished (after countless weeks) with paperwork for substitute teaching. So...I guess I wait for the calls to start rolling in? Not so much. In the mean time, I live like a pauper, and enjoy the time off I guess. I'm still working at Banana Republic some, and if they ever schedule me, Wine Experience. yeesh. I feel like Britney Spears two years ago, poor and not appreciated. I have, however, cleaned my entire apartment, exercised every day of the week, and organized just about everything that can be organized.

I turned *gasp* 23 last Saturday. In unusual fashion for me, I didn't plan anything, and decided to go to Iowa City to hangout with a friend there. Dinner and drinks proceeded to form not too shabby of a birthday for being completely unplanned. yay me.

Place of the Post: Fermosa in Iowa City. Very classy bar and sushi restaurant. and great music. Highly recommend.

Video of the Post: Ok, so I hate to admit, but I watch this a lot now that i'm "psuedo-unemployed." It's a dead-ringer. Kathie Lee is on drugs sometimes me thinks.

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