Tuesday, October 21, 2008

and i'm back!

My long absence has ended friends. Phew. Life is busy when you're a teacher! 60 hours a week doesn't leave you much time for much else.

My life at Waukee is over, however fortunate or unfortunately. I liked it there, but the time commitment and no compensation was a drag. I am ever so fortunate to have a 4 day weekend as Drake's Fall break is Monday and Tuesday. I don't even know what to do with myself! Well, I do actually. I'm catching up on laundry, sleep, and errands. It's good though. I start at Urbandale Middle School tomorrow.

I was observing at Stilwell Junior High in West Des Moines for some external observations and got a sense of what the middle school environment is like. The teacher at Stilwell was selling her kids short though. They seemed to have quite a bit of ability, and especially the 33 guys she had in choir! WOW!! I'll be interested to see how my experience at Urbandale MS compares.

Hmm...what else has been going on in my life ? Student teaching, student teaching seminar, ePortfolio class stuff, choreographing show choir. Oh yea, I went to Moravia to visit a friend of mine who is teaching there to choreograph/put together a show choir for their school. It is a little 1A school and I'm not used to that coming from the big 'burbs in Omaha. Though they were working so hard for me, those 14 8th, 9th, and 10th graders. I know Meredith will do good things with them! I'm also going to Ottumwa in a few weeks to choreograph for them on the same night I'm performing in this Sparks Fly Upward show!

Speaking of, rehearsals have gotten a lot more intense for that show as well. Yikes. I'll be happy when it's over. It's not that I don't like it, I'd just like more of my time back, seeing as student teaching already eats up 80%, and Sparks takes up another 15%. I like the cast and psuedo-like the director. My initial reaction to him was, "Well, I don't HATE him," which is the case with some directors I've worked with, so yea. Good stuff.

Anyone have ideas about places I should apply to for part time jobs when I'm done with Sparks? I already applied online for Mimi's Cafe and BestBuy. I'll probably pick up some more apps today before I go to rehearsal, but was just wondering if anyone had some job secrets. I'm all ears!!!!

Place of the Post: Suds. My new favorite carwash place. They use real brushes and such, not all that "touchless" crap. Works much better and the same price as the others. Located at 22nd and University, West Des Moines.

Youtube of the Post: More political satire. Gotta love it.

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