Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the first day

Phew. My first day of student teaching was yesterday. And I made it through. Alive. HA!

Though Mondays are going to be my hardest day because I'm there from 7:30-5:30, then show choir from 7-10. Oh, and it was also my first day, but i already mentioned that.

Regardless, I know this may seem like a shameless plug, but I am really thankful that I went to school at Drake. I think as a music program, I was much better prepared than my colleague who is student teaching with the other vocal director here. And on hindsight, I probably should have paid attention more to what my professors were saying! It doesn't seem important to you at the time because you're being forced-fed content by 5-6 other professors, but I certainly am thankful for all the materials and binders I have from my classes. They have already saved me a few times in two days.

Mr. Beeken (my "mentor teacher") is easing me into things pretty well. I am doing warmups for both of his choirs tomorrow, and then again on Thursday, as well as introducing a piece I selected. Saweet.

Anyway, so yea. I'm making it through. Though after rehearsal last night, I was so exhausted. This whole 6am wake up time is going to need some adjusting.

Place of the Post: Gateway Market (Ponderosa location in West Des Moines). Much bigger seating area and patio than the one on MLK Drive. Oh, and even more food choices.....and they're organic. Yum.

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