Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I had to masterclass yesterday and it wasn’t good. I got really nervous because I wasn’t so sure on my German translation. I was mortified! Luckily, I had the whole afternoon and evening to unwind. We ate dinner, did our German homework (part of it), and played cards. I ended up in bed before 11.

Today is rainy (again.) I was going to get the college earlier, but didn’t make it until after 9. My lesson went well, and now I’m stalling before German class. I should probably do my homework, but I can’t really bring myself to do it.

We were suppose to go to Hellbrun Palace today and the Waterpark, but I have a feeling we won’t be going. It’s too yucky out. I need to get a train ticket to go to Leipzig to visit Meganne this weekend and was suppose to go before class, but I’m stalling because I’m apprehensive about being able to get the ticket without a ton of hassle.

On Sunday, we went to the Salzkammagut region outside the city. The views were amazing! We went to three towns, each more beautiful than the one before. We all slept on the bus between each one, but I got postcards from each place.

Now that the masterclass is done, I have an easy week. No more big stressors. Tomorrow I have a coaching, German class, and watching a masterclass. Thursday, lesson, German class, and watching a masterclass again. But then on Thursday night, the program is going to the local brewery together for dinner and drinks. That will be a fun evening! Friday, hopefully going to visit Meganne!

Place of the Post: Republic Cafe....moderately priced (for Austrians) drinks and food. Free WiFi!

Phrase of the Post: kugelschreiber. pen. one of my favorite Austrian words so far...

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