Tuesday, March 4, 2008

winter doldrums

WHERE IS SPRING?! I don't know, but it needs to be here asap. It was up to 60 degrees here on Sunday, and the same day, it was snowing. Cruel Iowa, very cruel. I wish Google had an instant posting feature from my brain, because whenever I think of things that I'd like to talk about, they always leave me as quickly as they came to me. Boo.

Hmmm, what is going on in my life lately? School and workz. I am anticipating spring like crazy. Oh, and I have a bad case of senioritis. But what can you expect from a senior, eh? I'm still working hard and long, probably more than most, but for me, it's a little bit more relaxed than usual. Which is FINE WITH ME!!! HA!!!

I guess that begs the question, what am I doing when I graduate? Well, that's the $50 million question, isn't it? A multitude of things probably. I'm looking into working for Drake as an Admissions Counselor possibly if there's an opening for a few years before Grad school. I think I need to work outside of music for just a little bit. The last 3.5 years have been all-consuming it seems. Or maybe freelance choreograph, teach lessons, and do something else full-time? Who knows, I want an adventure. A warm, fun-filled adventure. YES, that is exactly what I need. MUHAHAHA!!!

Other than that, I might be moving in May out of my delicious apartment and into something in West Des Moines. Hopefully with gas ever rising, I can cut-down on those commutes to JCTC (Jordan Creek Town Center). And I'll (hopefully) be student-teaching in Waukee, so WDM will be my new stomping grounds it seems.

Place of the Post: QUDOBA (sp?) It was SO good! I was having a craving of it yesterday, so I didn't eat lunch so I'd be extra-hungry for it. Yum. Ranking of psuedo-Mexican yuppie restaurants: 1)CHIPOLTE! 2)Qudoba 3)Pancheros

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