Monday, February 11, 2008

chootes and latters

I've heard from two people today that they were fed up with the snow, and they could stand it no longer. Well, I tend to agree with them, but their options for creating change in that area are quite limited. SOooo, our options in that area are limited, at best.

So let's recap about what I've been doing, school, no social life. yep, pretty much wraps it up. This past weekend was more work, followed by being ill Saturday night, and more work Sunday, only to roll into another week. Great. And my recital is this week, so I have to be super-good until Sunday. Boo. But then Kristen is going with my family out to dinner Sunday night, and I plan on having a few, or many glasses of wine. I'll need it after this week of rehearsals, recital hearings, dress rehearsals, and a full, senior recital. Oh, by the way, I'm giving a senior recital this Sunday, February 17th at 5pm in Sheslow Auditorium at Drake University. There will be excellent refreshments afterwards!!

In other news, my new job at Apple started. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say much more, so I won't.

Alright, enough for now. I need to do a politico section here on of these days. Any ideas welcomed.

Place of the Post: Sammy Jacks. An odd, little BBQ restaurant at 25th and Cottage Grove. Only open for lunch. It's ok, but not as good as Amarillo's in Bellevue. I want some right now. realz bad. yum.

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