Friday, December 21, 2007

my brain hurts (a little less)

SO..... finals are over and I now have most of my sanity back (or what I actually had to begin with). Thank goodness. To tell you the truth, I didn't think finals were going to be that hard, but then with an overwhelming amount of things to do in addition to finals, coupled with my extremely apathy (read burn-out), did not make for an excellent test-taking atmosphere. All that matters is that it's done. I was officially done at 9am Wednesday, and boy was that a great feeling.

Since then, I've tried to continue the productivity with my preparation for Cedar Rapids Opera, but that has been unsuccessful as of yet. Now that I'm home, Karen is helping motivate me since she is studying for the GRE exam at the same time. We can do it. We're big boys and girls, right?

In other news, I went to the mall (both Jordan Creek and Valley West) yesterday, and seriously you not have jobs? I was there from like 1-3, and the mall was PACKED. Jeez. Regardless, I finished the rest of my Christmas shopping, so that's all that is really important. (read me me me, and forget everyone else)

Off to continue the productivity I suppose. Music to memorize it seems.

Place of the Post-Omaha: Caffeine Dreams. It's kinda like Mars Cafe, except more eclectic (if that's possible), and larger, with two coffee counters and two stories. Check out the coffee scene Omaha style...

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