Sunday, January 27, 2008

one week down

The interesting experiences here never end in Des Moines. Thursday was my birthday!! 22 and going strong....My birthday itself was not very interesting. I had a CD recording in the morning w/ ma'am and Michelle, then my dear friend Katie took me to lunch at Gazali's for my bday, and then worked in the afternoon. Since I was going out to dinner Friday night with a large group, I just decided to make dinner at home and invited Courtney over to eat with me.

Afterwards, my friend Joel and I went to Drink for Birthday Thursdays. It was good to see him, and we delighted in people watching for a few hours. I didn't really understand why there were so many people. It was Thursday night!! Do these people not have work in the morning? Or responsibilities? Weird. Anyway, music history at 9am the next morning is always interesting. But we had a pop quiz, and my friend Kristen (who had read the reading) got 2/5, and I got 4/5 and didn't read. HA! suckas. Music History champion indeed. Astronomy lecture was interesting, we watched this crazy "Powers of 10" video from the 70's, at which I was impressed at the quality of graphics for being from the era of Disco....

Friday night was the 'official' celebration of my birthday. A bunch of us (13 i think) went to Taki Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. It was fantastic, though our chef-dude was terrible, and not funny. Though he bought us a round of saki-bombs. yeeesssss. Afterwards, we were going to go to Cabaret for drinks, but I forgot my 'VIP-card' so off to Dublins it was.

Saturday I did nothing. I'm not even sure why I even woke up. All I did was sit around, clean, and generally be lazy. But as little as I got done, it was enjoyable. I watched a movie, cleaned the floors, and made dinner for myself. Though I did not leave my apartment for over 24 hours. If I had made that 48 hours, I probably could be considered a shut-in. Either way, Kristen and I went to First Unitarian Church this morning as part of what we call "church shopping."

It was an interesting experience. It was much different than what I was used to. But in a good way I think. My mother did not sound pleased when I told her I went. But whatevs.

Alright, off to be more productive....

Place of the Post: Duds 'n Suds. It's like a laundromat, bar (they serve alcohol), arcade, casino (they have slot machines), and snack bar all rolled into one. New saturday night hangout? I think so.

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